MCW Update 3: COVID-19 Coronavirus

Consistent with the advice of local and national health experts, MCW has put its COVID-19 response plan into action.

As we begin this week all MCW locations are open for business, however we are not receiving visitors until further notice.  As none of our office locations have been mandated for closure, we have skeleton staff supporting all day-to-day operations.  We are proud to say we are doing our part to “flatten the curve”.  We, along with the entire world, are watching with anticipation for this outcome.  Make no mistake, as we watch and wait, we are continuing to service our clients to the best of our abilities.  We will find a way to deliver ANYTHING you require.

The facts are that the majority of our staff across all of the MCW Companies are currently working remotely and the infra-structure we have invested in has proven to be up to the task at hand.  We urge all of our clients to continue to communicate with us through all normal channels and contact us as you usually would, on existing or new matters.


  1. MCW is committed to continue our site reviews to the best of our ability while adhering to all site specific protocols that have been put in place by the Owner, Constructor, Developer, or Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over a project site, provided they do not provide less protection than the provisions outlined below.
  2. Subject to the provisions outlined in item 3, MCW will continue to participate in site walk-abouts, field reviews, and monitoring of general conformance provided there are no more than five (5) people on any walk-about. MCW will also continue to participate in site meetings, preferably using conference call-in lines. However should our presence be absolutely required on site, we will attend provided there are five (5) or less in attendance and the ability to maintain a “safe social distancing” protocol.
  3. In the absence of comparable protective measures, MCW would expect that all other parties visiting or working on site will have signed a satisfactory “Daily Self Declaration” as to the state of their health including recent travel history. In addition MCW would ask that the Contractor Personnel chairing any such meeting, or walk-about, will be responsible for reviewing the “Daily Self Declaration” statements and as the first order of business inform all attendees that based on the information received the meeting or walk-through can proceed with the parties present.  MCW reserves the right to seek disclosure from the Constructor regarding the wellness of all site personnel with respect to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. It is the Constructor’s responsibility to ensure that construction or design personnel who have been placed in self-isolation and/or a medical or travel imposed quarantine are made known to all visitors to the site.  This information is required so that each individual can determine if there is a need to self-quarantine or seek medical attention due to contact with a possible source of the virus.


As per the above, MCW will continue to participate in site walk-abouts, reviews, and monitoring of general conformance with “Permitted Documents”issued by our offices.  Some Jurisdictions have advised our Clients that they can continue to work provided that their architect, structural, mechanical & electrical engineers provide letters that they have reviewed the site work and have been provided with trades documentation and most importantly clearly detailed photographs of the work.  We have every reason to believe that when things return to normal that AHJ’s will find these reviews (accompanied with photographs) acceptable for their intended use. However, MCW reviews are not intended to replace inspections normally performed by AHJ’s.  Should the Client and Contractor choose to proceed with construction and conceal work that requires Building Department inspection, they do so at their own risk as the AHJ’s may ultimately require that the work be exposed and inspected in person.  Clients occupying under proposed Fire Watch procedures should engage their Code Consultant to confirm with a letter(s) that the fire watch procedures recommended have been instituted and confirm that that they have a valid contract with a fire watch company to carry out the procedures.

We are all in this “alone together”. Personal decisions regarding precautions required to deal with COVID-19 need to be made alone to meet each of our unique situations, but do not lose sight of the fact that those decisions are all about how we can get through this together.

Feedback and comments welcome.

Stay Healthy.

On behalf of the Partners of the MCW Group of Companies

David Bellamy P.Eng., MBA

Executive Partner